Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Change: Not by Show of Force, but by Show of Maturity and Wisdom

"In this current social climate, which has caused many to ask how far does someone need to go to bring change, I am reminded of an old philosophical joke,  'to make their point a member of the KKK will kill and burn the bodies of a black person, to make their point Islam extremists will attack non Muslims, to make their point Christian will go on crusade, but to make his point a Buddhist will light himself on fire.'
The joke is long and in rather poor taste but it has an interesting point... the question may be how far, but retaliation will never bring about change, the change is often brought about when self-sacrifice is considered over vengeance. Oddly enough this is something that Jesus taught, but is often forgotten within the rhetoric of Christianese... Our mindset shouldn't be how can we force others to change, as this just continues the current path of bondage to the wrongs or assumptions of the past, but rather how can we through how we choose to interact with the world convince people that change is possible and something to strive for."