Monday, February 18, 2013

A welcome and a warning

If you are reading this you may be the curious and inquisitive sort, who thought this might be a interesting read. Or you could just be skimming to see what might hold your attention while you sit on the toilet or bored in a waiting room and have nothing better to do than play on your phone or laptop. Or you could be lost and stumbled on this while in search of something of different. Or, and I really hope I'm wrong, you saw the title of this blog, didn't bother reading the description and are here in hopes of a short story or something of the like. If I missed any other reason, then I apologize. I welcome anyone to come read these posts, sporadic as they may be, but I feel I should warn you. This, like any and hopefully every thing written, should be looked on as something opinionated, not verbatim fact, though written in a true Sherlock Holmes fashion. I do not apologize for having my opinion, nor do I welcome any attempt to illicit an emotionally driven argument from those who fancy the term "trollers." This blog is my opinionated quips and remarks on random things based on analysis and deduction. I do in advance apologize for any wording that may offend, either from me or a reader, as I am not the best editor of what I sometimes say. Other than that I plan on hitting some nerve points of people with what I post about. This is a necessary and rather enjoyable fact to any Holmes-like project, you get to be blunt about what you have observed.
"Humans strive to change the world to their own liking, even other people. I see the world for how it really is, and just point it out to others. Why change the whole world to fit you when you're still messed up yourself? The true amount of control any living thing has is in whatever the conscious mind can do." - unattributed

Enjoy the blog.

Lance. T. Castise

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