Sunday, March 31, 2013

The Greatest Weapon Never Used

"Some one once said, 'the greatest weapon, or tool, mankind has is his ability to think.' Sadly when I look at the majority of the current set of generations, of which I am heartbroken to be a part of, I see that not only are they reluctant to use their minds, but they have been taught to not think for themselves. This should not be. We should be striving to create something new. But instead we are taught to be good at following orders, and not coming up with new things. Philosophy, which is supposed to by asking and answering the question 'why?' Has become a forum for debating things that should stay in the realm of politics. I dare you to ask why and not except a one word answer, instead search for the longest in depth answer possible. That is the philosophy way."

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Live to Confound

"Those who know me at all consider me weird, to say the least. My own mother proudly stated that I am a true paradox. Everything about me is at odds with itself. Yet I function relatively well. The main thing that gives me a peace of mind, socially at least, is that I am unable to fit in a single stereotypical box of expectations. I would challenge you all to be the same in your own way. Dare to break the box. Don't live to excel. Live to confound! Pursue every subject in school that truly interests you, regardless of what people say. And above all... Be creative in whatever you pursue, don't just follow what's come before. Explore the uncharted and be proud of your true uniqueness."

Thursday, March 28, 2013

We are not horse doctors

"If anyone is suffering from depression or any other illness, those around them should refrain from rebuking them or saying they should get over it. Such ignorant action is like shooting a wounded horse in the head. We are not to be horse doctors. We should always be willing to stand alongside the hurting and help them."

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Misquote mistake

"If you are offended by something you read, especially if you actually just skimmed the material, be sure to not misquote it when talking about it as you attempt to explain why it bothers you. The person you're talking to will most likely fully read the thing and if it is clearly not saying what you said it did, they will not trust your opinion on any such thing again."

Saturday, March 9, 2013

The Long Road

"The journey from any wrongdoing back to trust is a long and hard road... But well worth the trouble. Any who seek true peace and wisdom will always choose to walk the path after they have fallen from grace. The condition of a man's true nature is not found in his shortcomings, but in how he acts after he has done wrong... In which path he chooses... Either the path of burning unnecessary bridges or the hard path back to peace and trust. I strive for the hard path... Even though I often fall back."

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

To Clear Any Idiotic Confusion

Now I am a Sherlock Holmes fan, that much is obvious by the name of the blog. Sadly, thanks to poor casting in old tv shows, one Holmes character is either forgotten or degraded. Only recently, with Martin freeman, Lucy Lu, and Jude law, has Watson been shown to not be a bumbling fat idiot as they have in the past. The original Watson was a match for Holmes in intellect, just not used to using it for deduction. Watson was there to actually help Holmes see things he would've overlooked, to keep Holmes grounded. So to any who take my calling my dear friend "My Watson" as saying she is not on par with me, I say this: she is a brilliant and much needed friend. Without her I am just a madman with a blog... Raving out oddities at the world. She keeps me grounded, and sees what I miss. That is why I call her, and will refer to her as "my Watson."

A Question in Politics

When asked 'what would you change in the Constitution?': "I would add to the Constitution: this document is to actually be USED. Failure to properly use this document gives the American citizens the duty to skin your hide." - my dear friend and fellow blog author, my "Watson"

"Then there will be either a lot of skinless politicians or a lot of feathers in Washington" - me

Monday, March 4, 2013

Inception: the way to truly win an arguement

"When trying to make a point within an argument or a 'discussion' keep in mind you don't state the short sentence opinion like, "evolution is just a theory." When you mean to disprove the theory. Regardless of what you say, such statements make you look like an idiot. Instead, point out the reasons and evidence that make your opinion valid. Then they will begin to look at your evidence and think, "evolution is an invalid theory." Such a method has been coined as inception. So the method could be simplified as this analogy: "make them think about elephants without even bringing up elephants."

Seek help

"If you have issues within your family that cause you to repress emotions and avoid talking to them about how you feel, don't just seek out a friend to tell. Look into getting professional help...cause no matter who your friend is, they can't always have the answer."