Thursday, April 4, 2013

What is Psycho-philosophy?

Psycho-philosophy is a mixture of psychology and philosophy wrapped in a deductive reasoning shell. It looks at life and asks/answers the why question(philosophy) as well as the how and why question pertaining to the human condition(psychology). the evidence is discovered by using deductive reasoning to analyze every aspect of humanity and even nature. The answers found through this search is simply to help give a deeper understanding and point out the flaws in how we "survive" in the world. These all are subject to varying opinion... And thus is a part of the perception. And may I be so bold as to state one opinion that I've held back on so long....

"Screw your theories, Freud! It's not all repressed sexuality and parents are not always to blame for the issues of the offspring! We can make our own mistakes due to our messed up ideas about life!"

And now that I've got that out of the way... On with our normally scheduled program.

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