Tuesday, December 3, 2013


"The people who trust themselves the least are often the most trustworthy." - My friend Mike.

Friday, August 30, 2013

A Proverb

"If a man looks at himself as beyond reproach and good, he may be evil in his heart. If a man looks at himself and fears that he is beyond wicked, he is sure to be a great man. Fore the wise fear the potential of evil, while the fool plays the saint while being the devil in his heart."

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Babies and Psychology

If sociopathy is characterized as the absence of understanding the difference of right and wrong then.... "Babies are the ultimate sociopaths."

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

What It Takes To Move On

"Sometimes I remember the darkness of my past / Bringing back these memories I wish I didn't have / Sometimes I think of letting go / And never looking back / And never moving forward so there'd never be a past"

- Linkin Park, "Easier To Run"

"Memories have left you broken / And the scars have never healed / The emptiness in you is growing / With so little left to fill / You're scared to look back on the days before / You're too tired to move on / And now you think that you're the only one who doesn't have to / Have to try and you won't / Have to fail / If you're afraid to fly / Then I guess you never will / You hide behind your walls of maybe nevers / Forgetting that there's something more / Than just knowing better / Your mistakes do not define you now / They tell you who you're not / You've got to live this life you're given / Like it's the only one you've got"

- 3 Doors Down, "It's the Only One You've Got"

The past. We all know the famous quote from the Spanish philosopher George Santayana, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." Prentice Hall, McDougall Littel, and many more companies in the education industry have used this aphorism as a raison d'ĂȘtre for their history texts. "Learn the past," they urge their student readers, with the implication that somehow, the answers for the future are found in the dark chapters of history.

I do not believe that this is how George Santayana wanted the truth of his words to be applied. The answers for the future cannot be found in the past. We make an idol of the past if we sacrifice our future to preserving the effects of hurts, mistakes, and scars of pain long ago. In fact, if we live in and for the past... Then it's no longer "past." It is the constant, inescapable, imprisoning present. And our mistakes are no longer "mistakes," but inexpungibly part of our character. And so, we live in our own prison.

A wise person remembers the past so that the past does not become the present. A wise person looks back on past mistakes for the purpose of not allowing those mistakes to become part of him. A wise man does not live in the past. A wise person does not sacrifice his future to the idol of the past. A wise person lives in the present, looking forward, moving forward...

Monday, June 24, 2013

True friends

"A true and great friend will tell you what you need, not want, to hear, when you need to hear it, and in a way that shows they care. On the other side of the conversation, a true and wise friend will listen to what you have to say and take it to heart without lashing out in indignant anger or fear."

Thursday, June 13, 2013


"Learning a lesson is all about overcoming something that hinders your path. To learn there must be an obstacle. Or rather... To learn to jump a fence... There must first be a fence."

Thursday, May 9, 2013

When Truth is Hard to Hear

"People are often unwilling to receive hard truth about their actions. They are far more comfortable living in a lie when the truth makes them guilty."

Silence Speaks Louder Than Words

A friend of mine once said that he didn't think many people cared about him, when asked why he said that it was because they never flat out said it, or did a grand gesture of kindness. In response I said the following:
"People often don't show how they feel in obvious ways. It's in the little things they say and do. In some cases, they will remain silent, keeping their feelings hidden so as not to be overwhelmed by them. Sometimes the silence speaks louder than words ever could. But it's not always a negative message."

Friday, April 19, 2013


Forgiveness is like trying to hold a fish. As soon as you get it in your hands, it wriggles free. And then, your hands smell like fish.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Thursday, April 4, 2013

What is Psycho-philosophy?

Psycho-philosophy is a mixture of psychology and philosophy wrapped in a deductive reasoning shell. It looks at life and asks/answers the why question(philosophy) as well as the how and why question pertaining to the human condition(psychology). the evidence is discovered by using deductive reasoning to analyze every aspect of humanity and even nature. The answers found through this search is simply to help give a deeper understanding and point out the flaws in how we "survive" in the world. These all are subject to varying opinion... And thus is a part of the perception. And may I be so bold as to state one opinion that I've held back on so long....

"Screw your theories, Freud! It's not all repressed sexuality and parents are not always to blame for the issues of the offspring! We can make our own mistakes due to our messed up ideas about life!"

And now that I've got that out of the way... On with our normally scheduled program.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Insanity or Human Nature

The generally known definition of insanity: repeating the same task and expecting a different result.
"Millions do this every day in many different aspects of their lives. By the above definition everyone is by nature insane."

Monday, April 1, 2013

Pop the Clique Bubble

"I never want to fit into a little bubble of a stereotype or clique. I want to be the person who goes around and pop every single clique bubble and get people to actually talk to each other."

Sunday, March 31, 2013

The Greatest Weapon Never Used

"Some one once said, 'the greatest weapon, or tool, mankind has is his ability to think.' Sadly when I look at the majority of the current set of generations, of which I am heartbroken to be a part of, I see that not only are they reluctant to use their minds, but they have been taught to not think for themselves. This should not be. We should be striving to create something new. But instead we are taught to be good at following orders, and not coming up with new things. Philosophy, which is supposed to by asking and answering the question 'why?' Has become a forum for debating things that should stay in the realm of politics. I dare you to ask why and not except a one word answer, instead search for the longest in depth answer possible. That is the philosophy way."

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Live to Confound

"Those who know me at all consider me weird, to say the least. My own mother proudly stated that I am a true paradox. Everything about me is at odds with itself. Yet I function relatively well. The main thing that gives me a peace of mind, socially at least, is that I am unable to fit in a single stereotypical box of expectations. I would challenge you all to be the same in your own way. Dare to break the box. Don't live to excel. Live to confound! Pursue every subject in school that truly interests you, regardless of what people say. And above all... Be creative in whatever you pursue, don't just follow what's come before. Explore the uncharted and be proud of your true uniqueness."

Thursday, March 28, 2013

We are not horse doctors

"If anyone is suffering from depression or any other illness, those around them should refrain from rebuking them or saying they should get over it. Such ignorant action is like shooting a wounded horse in the head. We are not to be horse doctors. We should always be willing to stand alongside the hurting and help them."

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Misquote mistake

"If you are offended by something you read, especially if you actually just skimmed the material, be sure to not misquote it when talking about it as you attempt to explain why it bothers you. The person you're talking to will most likely fully read the thing and if it is clearly not saying what you said it did, they will not trust your opinion on any such thing again."

Saturday, March 9, 2013

The Long Road

"The journey from any wrongdoing back to trust is a long and hard road... But well worth the trouble. Any who seek true peace and wisdom will always choose to walk the path after they have fallen from grace. The condition of a man's true nature is not found in his shortcomings, but in how he acts after he has done wrong... In which path he chooses... Either the path of burning unnecessary bridges or the hard path back to peace and trust. I strive for the hard path... Even though I often fall back."

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

To Clear Any Idiotic Confusion

Now I am a Sherlock Holmes fan, that much is obvious by the name of the blog. Sadly, thanks to poor casting in old tv shows, one Holmes character is either forgotten or degraded. Only recently, with Martin freeman, Lucy Lu, and Jude law, has Watson been shown to not be a bumbling fat idiot as they have in the past. The original Watson was a match for Holmes in intellect, just not used to using it for deduction. Watson was there to actually help Holmes see things he would've overlooked, to keep Holmes grounded. So to any who take my calling my dear friend "My Watson" as saying she is not on par with me, I say this: she is a brilliant and much needed friend. Without her I am just a madman with a blog... Raving out oddities at the world. She keeps me grounded, and sees what I miss. That is why I call her, and will refer to her as "my Watson."

A Question in Politics

When asked 'what would you change in the Constitution?': "I would add to the Constitution: this document is to actually be USED. Failure to properly use this document gives the American citizens the duty to skin your hide." - my dear friend and fellow blog author, my "Watson"

"Then there will be either a lot of skinless politicians or a lot of feathers in Washington" - me

Monday, March 4, 2013

Inception: the way to truly win an arguement

"When trying to make a point within an argument or a 'discussion' keep in mind you don't state the short sentence opinion like, "evolution is just a theory." When you mean to disprove the theory. Regardless of what you say, such statements make you look like an idiot. Instead, point out the reasons and evidence that make your opinion valid. Then they will begin to look at your evidence and think, "evolution is an invalid theory." Such a method has been coined as inception. So the method could be simplified as this analogy: "make them think about elephants without even bringing up elephants."

Seek help

"If you have issues within your family that cause you to repress emotions and avoid talking to them about how you feel, don't just seek out a friend to tell. Look into getting professional help...cause no matter who your friend is, they can't always have the answer."

Monday, February 25, 2013

Opinion Versus Following the Herd

"I make it a point to not take reviewers word for anything until I make my own mind up."

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Minor issues

"Nothing is minor to those who experience them, so never put down another's problems, and never think you have it worst of all."

Truth, Righteousness, Virtue, and Honor

"Democracy and republic voting systems are good for viewing national perspective and understanding the collective opinions on some things. However there is a list of things which do not and can not hold to such trivial methods of mass calculation. Those things are: truth, righteousness, virtue, and honor. If you attempt to put any of these traits to a vote, you lose the integrity of them. Truth is not relative, perception is. Thus truth can only be found outside the realm of opinion. More over the other three traits can be called into question by a single individual, then proved faulty, and, thus tarnished, can not be reclaimed by a majority. They must be sought anew, and the tarnished parts removed."

Friday, February 22, 2013

Fundamental reason why you should never threaten a man with a cane.

"The main reason, in fact it's the number one rule, why you should never threaten or assail a man who walks with a cane is this: he is already better armed and has further reach then you. So be smart, and don't mess with men who use a cane."

Monday, February 18, 2013

A welcome and a warning

If you are reading this you may be the curious and inquisitive sort, who thought this might be a interesting read. Or you could just be skimming to see what might hold your attention while you sit on the toilet or bored in a waiting room and have nothing better to do than play on your phone or laptop. Or you could be lost and stumbled on this while in search of something of different. Or, and I really hope I'm wrong, you saw the title of this blog, didn't bother reading the description and are here in hopes of a short story or something of the like. If I missed any other reason, then I apologize. I welcome anyone to come read these posts, sporadic as they may be, but I feel I should warn you. This, like any and hopefully every thing written, should be looked on as something opinionated, not verbatim fact, though written in a true Sherlock Holmes fashion. I do not apologize for having my opinion, nor do I welcome any attempt to illicit an emotionally driven argument from those who fancy the term "trollers." This blog is my opinionated quips and remarks on random things based on analysis and deduction. I do in advance apologize for any wording that may offend, either from me or a reader, as I am not the best editor of what I sometimes say. Other than that I plan on hitting some nerve points of people with what I post about. This is a necessary and rather enjoyable fact to any Holmes-like project, you get to be blunt about what you have observed.
"Humans strive to change the world to their own liking, even other people. I see the world for how it really is, and just point it out to others. Why change the whole world to fit you when you're still messed up yourself? The true amount of control any living thing has is in whatever the conscious mind can do." - unattributed

Enjoy the blog.

Lance. T. Castise